MusRef Bibliographies

MusRef Bibliographies is a series of in-depth compilations of research devoted to narrowly defined music topics that are not covered elsewhere. Generally each bibliography consists of about 100 sources, though some are more extensive. They are intended to represent an exhaustive search for secondary literature related to the subject. They are not limited by date or language. Most reviews, however, are excluded. Whenever possible each citation has been verified with the source in hand. Unverified sources are included and identified as such. Wherever possible each citation includes a descriptive annotation. Most annotations are the result of the compiler’s own assessment of the source, but in some cases where the document could not be accessed or if the title is in a language that the compiler cannot read, annotation information may have been adapted from RILM Abstracts or the source’s own abstract. When the annotation is derived from another source, it is indicated at the end in parentheses.

Subjects treated in the series are varied. They range from research on a composer’s life and works to narrowly defined pedagogical topics and specialize historical perspectives on music. To see the current offerings click on MusRef Bibliographies in the menu above. New submissions are welcome from every interested party. There is no requirement to be associated with Brigham Young University, the host institution of the site. Submissions may be subject to editorial review and revision before posting. To submit a proposal contact David Day at